How to delete your WhatsApp account
To delete your account from WhatsApp, open the application and click on the menu button (top right corner of the screen):
WhatsApp’s main screen
Then, click on Settings:
WhatsApp’s menu
Next, click on Account:
WhatsApp’s settings
In this section, click on Delete my account:
Account settings
Within this section, you are informed that deleting your account will result in the loss of your right to use WhatsApp, the deletion of your message history, the removal of you from all groups in which you participated, and the deletion of your Google Drive account. You will also be allowed to change your phone number if you are going to migrate your account to a different one. Finally, there is the section where you will need to enter your phone number to confirm that you do indeed want to delete your WhatsApp account. After entering your phone number, click on Delete my account. The application will do the rest from there.
Account removal
There are many reasons to want to delete your WhatsApp account. The main reason? Privacy. The most careful users are not comfortable with WhatsApp sharing data with Facebook, so they choose to close their accounts and look for a safe place in other messaging platforms (such as Telegram).
As you can see, if you are in a situation where you want to stop using WhatsApp and try other solutions, it is very easy to remove the app from your device if we know how to unsubscribe. With the information we just gave you, you should find it very easy to do so.
Удаление учетной записи в мессенджере WhatsApp с Android-девайса и iPhone
Приняв решение прекратить использование функций WhatsApp, следует позаботиться о полном удалении своей учётной записи в этой системе обмена информацией. Такая процедура выполняется путём несложных манипуляций с Android-смартфона или iPhone и в статье мы рассмотрим практические шаги, которые нужно осуществить для того, чтобы полностью уничтожить свой аккаунт в мессенджере.
Как удалить свой аккаунт в мессенджере WhatsApp
Процедура удаления своей учётной записи в мессенджере ВатсАп характеризуется необратимостью, поэтому выполнять её следует только в том случае,если вы окончательно приняли решение не использовать преимущества системы обмена информацией, заходя в неё под текущим аккаунтом!
Коротко о последствиях выполнения одной из следующих, предназначенных для пользователей Android и iOS, инструкций:
- Удаляется информация аккаунта записи и фото (аватарка) профиля.
- Пользователь, удаляющий свою учётную запись, автоматически исключается из всех групповых чатов WhatsApp, где он состоит в качестве обычного участника или админа.
Владельцы функционирующих под управлением «зелёного робота» смартфонов и планшетов, эксплуатирующие для доступа в мессенджер приложение WhatsApp для Android с целью удаления своей учётной записи должны действовать так:
- Открываем ВатсАп. Коснувшись расположенной в правом верхнем углу экрана и выполненной в виде трёх точек кнопки, вызываем меню.
- В меню выбираем пункт «Настройки», а на открывшемся экране переходим в раздел параметров мессенджера под названием «Аккаунт». Нажимаем на наименование функции «Удалить аккаунт».
- Далее WhatsApp потребует внести используемый на данный момент в качестве логина в системе телефонный номер – делаем это, а затем нажимаем на красную кнопку «УДАЛИТЬ АККАУНТ».
Те пользователи мессенджера, которые предпочитают мобильные девайсы от Apple и используют программу WhatsApp для iOS, с целью удаления учётной записи в системе обмена информацией должны выполнить следующие шаги:
- Запускаем мессенджер ВатсАп на айФоне и открываем раздел «Настройки» программы, коснувшись соответствующего значка в нижнем углу экрана справа.
- Нажимаем на наименование раздела параметров «Учётная запись» и выбираем опцию «Удалить учётную запись» на открывшемся в результате экране.
- Далее вводим в поле на экране свой телефонный номер, используемый в качестве идентификатора в WhatsApp, затем тапаем «Удалить учётную запись».
Как видим, вне зависимости от того, какое устройство (на Android или iOS) задействовано для обеспечения процесса эксплуатации WhatsApp, процедура полного и безвозвратного удаления своей учётной записи в мессенджере осуществляется путём выполнения несложных манипуляций и очень быстро.
Как удалить или деактивировать аккаунт WhatsApp
WhatsApp является самой популярной платформой для обмена сообщениями в мире (2,5 миллиарда пользователей). Мессенджер отличается легкой адаптацией и простотой использования. Но что, если вы больше не хотите использовать WhatsApp?
На самом деле, процесс удаления учетной записи WhatsApp несложен. Изучите данную инструкцию, чтобы узнать исчерпывающую информацию о деактивации вашей учетной записи WhatsApp.
Краткая сводка
- Для удаления аккаунта в приложении WhatsApp перейдите в Настройки > Аккаунт > Удалить аккаунт.
- Аккаунт удаляется навсегда, восстановить его не получится.
- Процесс удаления всех данных аккаунта может занимать до 90 дней.
Что происходит при удалении аккаунта WhatsApp
Удаление аккаунта WhatsApp является необратимым действием. Это значит, что вы не сможете восстановить свою учетную запись после удаления, и вам придется зарегистрироваться как новый пользователь. Перед удалением аккаунта WhatsApp нужно помнить о следующем:
- Удаление аккаунта приводит к удалению истории переписки.
- Вы будете удалены из любых активных групп WhatsApp.
- WhatsApp также удалит вашу резервную копию WhatsApp на Google Диске.
- Как только вы нажмете УДАЛИТЬ АККАУНТ, вы больше не сможете восстановить доступ к своей учетной записи WhatsApp.
Как удалить аккаунт WhatsApp на вашем телефоне
Для удаления аккаунта WhatsApp нужно использовать мобильное приложение, в версии для ПК данная возможность отсутствует. Процесс удаления аккаунта на iPhone и устройствах Android практически не отличается. Вам нужно сделать следующее:
- Откройте приложение WhatsApp, нажмите меню «три точки» в правом верхнем углу, а затем выберите опцию Настройки.
- Выберите раздел Аккаунт, а затем опцию Удалить аккаунт.
- Введите номер своего мобильного телефона, включая код страны, а затем нажмите кнопку УДАЛИТЬ АККАУНТ.
Все готово! После выполнения этих действий ваш аккаунт WhatsApp будет удален. Это действие никак не затрагивает аккаунты Facebook* и Instagram*.
*Meta, владеющая Facebook, Instagram и Messenger, признана экстремистской в России.
Сколько времени занимает удаление информации
Хотя вы сразу же потеряете доступ к своей учетной записи, ваша информация может храниться в течение 90 дней. Даже по прошествии 90 дней копии этих данных могут оставаться в резервном хранилище.
WhatsApp не скрывает, что определенные данные сохраняются в базах даже после удаления учетной записи. Тем не менее, эти данные больше не привязаны к аккаунту пользователя, и их нельзя каким-либо образом связать. Для получения дополнительных сведений о том, как WhatsApp использует и хранит ваши данные, ознакомьтесь с Политикой конфиденциальности сервиса.
How to delete your Facebook and WhatsApp account permanently? (Using your phone or PC)
Since the introduction of social networking sites, they have become an integral part of our lives. They were designed to connect with many like-minded people from the ease of their homes.
Today, social networking sites help us in many other ways. One of the biggest examples of it is, help in small as well as established businesses
Many local businesses today, are dependent on social networking sites for their day-to-day sales.
In a very small period, these sites were able to make a special space for themselves among us. Now we all have become more or less dependent on them for some of the other things.
Besides, the advantages of social networking sites, there are also several disadvantages that come along with the bundle.
Some of the major disadvantages include-
- Getting addicted to it.
- Safety issues online.
- Cyberbullying.
- And privacy issues being one of the major disadvantages.
And there can be many other issues faced by users on their behalf.
These issues can sometimes force people to delete their social media accounts.
But in this try many people think that deleting that service’s application from their phone, they have deleted their account from the company’s database. But this is not the case.
If you simply delete the social networking service’s application from your phone, you’ll be only marked as an inactive user. Your account can still be misused for unethical use by some hijacker(if he can find a back door sort of fault in your account using any unfair means ).
So, in this article, I’ll be mentioning how to delete your Facebook or WhatsApp(which are one of the most used social networking services) account permanently by either using your phone or their website.
Why oneself might be feeling to delete his WhatsApp account?
WhatsApp is, no doubt, the world’s largest messaging app which provides the user with a ton of features.
You can share text messages, videos, photos, documents, audio, location and contacts with your friends with just a click. The process is hassle-free.
Before the acquisition of WhatsApp by Facebook, WhatsApp was the most private messaging app that was ad-free to its users.
But after the acquisition, Facebook has started to change the working of WhatsApp. It has updated the privacy policy of WhatsApp and has also built a plan to introduce WhatsApp’s payment service.
These changed policies are not liked by many WhatsApp users and hence, it has resulted in a lot of users migrating to other messaging services.
For this reason, those people need to delete their existing WhatsApp account before migrating to the other messaging service, to ensure that their account does not fall into the hands of a mischievous person.
How to delete your WhatsApp account?
There is no possible way of deleting your account using WhatsApp’s website or WhatsApp’s PC version. So, you need to have your phone for deleting your account.
If you don’t have your phone, you can download an Emulator(such as BlueStacks) on your PC which will allow you to download Android apps on your PC. Once you download it, you then need to install WhatsApp on your device and sign in to your account.
After that, you can follow the below method to delete your account.
NOTE: Deleting your WhatsApp account is permanent. Once you delete your account, you will no longer have access to your WhatsApp messages, no matter even if they are backed up in your Google Drive Account. There no method to recover your account.
To delete your account, you need to follow the below steps-
- Open the WhatsApp app on your smartphone.
- Now click on the options button located in the top right corner.
- A drop-down menu will be displayed in front of you. Select the last option from the menu, which will be named ‘Settings’.
- On the next page, you will notice that several options such as Account, Chats, Notifications, etc. will be displayed.
- Now select the ‘Account’ option on this page.
- On the next page tap on the last option which will be displayed as ‘Delete’ my account’.
- On this page, you will be asked to choose your country and confirm your mobile number. You can also change your number (using which you run WhatsApp on your phone) on this page.
- After you are done with the process click on the ‘DELETE MY ACCOUNT’ button.
- After that, you will be directed to this page, where it will ask you to select a reason why you are deleting your WhatsApp account. You can select an option that’s relevant to you or simply select the other option from the drop-down menu.
- You can also provide some feedback to the WhatsApp team, on the same page and when you are done, click on the ‘DELETE MY ACCOUNT’ button.
- On the next page, a confirmation message will be displayed on which you again need to click on the ‘DELETE MY ACCOUNT’.
- Congratulations! you have successfully deleted your WhatsApp account.
Why oneself might be feeling to delete his Facebook account?
Facebook, from the time it had been launched, has been very famous among social networking service lovers. The wide variety of features that it provides to its users is responsible for its fame. But, in recent years Facebook’s fame has gradually declined. There are some major privacy issues, which have badly hurt Facebook in recent years.
Another reason is that people are now getting better alternatives to Facebook which they think are more productive than Facebook(it depends on the user).
This is the reason why many people are now thinking to permanently delete their Facebook account. So, without wasting any more time lets get to know, how to delete a Facebook account permanently.
How to delete your Facebook account permanently?
Deleting your Facebook account is a bit lengthy process. You need to observe each process and understand what are they are trying to convey.
So let’s get started…
Delete Facebook account using your PC
- Go to
- Login to your account on the website.
- Click on the downward-facing arrow on the top right corner. A drop-down menu will be displayed on your screen.
- From the menu, select the ‘Settings and Privacy’ option and from the next menu select the ‘Settings’ option.
- The settings page will now get opened on your screen, with some tabs on the left pane.
- Now click on the ‘Your Facebook Information’ tab from the left pane.
- After that, click on the ‘Deactivation and Deletion’ option which will be listed as the last option on your screen.
- On this page, you will be provided with two options which will be, ‘Deactivate Account’ and ‘Delete Account’.
- Here we are willing to delete are account permanently, therefore select the ‘Delete Account’ option. But if you wanted to disable your account temporarily, then you would have selected the ‘Deactivate Account’ option.
- After you have selected the option, click on the ‘Continue to Account Deactivation’.
- On the next page, you can back up the info that you have uploaded to your Facebook account. After you are done with it, click on the ‘Delete Account’ button.
- After doing so, Facebook will ask you to confirm that it’s your account. Confirm it by typing in your Facebook account password.
- On the next page, Facebook will display a confirmation message for you. Click on the ‘Delete Account’ button after you have read the displayed message.
- Congratulations! you have successfully deleted your Facebook account.
Note: Your account is still not deleted. It will be deleted after 30 days from the time you have completed the above process. Meanwhile, if you wish to recover your account you just need to log into your account within 30 days.
Delete Facebook account using your mobile phone
You can follow the below steps to delete your Facebook using your mobile phone-
- Open the Facebook app on your mobile phone.
- Click on the options button on the top right corner and select the ‘Settings & Privacy’ option from the displayed menu.
- A drop-down menu will now be displayed on the screen. Select the ‘Settings’ options from there.
- Now on the next page, scroll down the screen and under the ‘Your Facebook information’ select the ‘Account ownership and control’ option.
- On this page select the ‘Deactivation and deletion’ option.
The rest of the process remains the same as the process for deleting your account using your PC, so you can follow it from above.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- How to delete a Facebook account on your phone?
Answer: You can use the method, mentioned prior in the article to delete your Facebook account using your phone. - Can you provide the link to delete your Facebook account?
Answer: Yes, of course. Use this link Account deletion link. - When you delete your WhatsApp account will others know?
Answer: When you delete your WhatsApp account you will be simply removed from all the WhatsApp groups in which you were present. And if someone wants you to message personally, it will show an option to ‘Invite’ you to WhatsApp because you are no more a WhatsApp user. - How do you delete a Facebook account?
Answer: The only method to delete your Facebook account is the one mentioned prior in this article.
If you still have any other questions relating to how to delete your Facebook or WhatsApp account, you are free to ask in the comment section.
WhatsApp and Facebook, both are no doubt, extremely useful services, if used wisely.
But if you think that these services are harming you in any way or taking control over your life, then it is time to take the call and take your steps back from these services.
You can easily delete your Facebook or WhatsApp account just by following the steps mentioned in this article so that when it is necessary, you can easily back out from these social networking services.
If you find this post helpful, feel free to share it with your friends and families and show that you care for them 😉